TNS Trust Fund

Wildlife inventory work at the heart of the conservation and development of the Lobeke National Park Cameroon segment of the TNS

Last August, the Lobéké National Park Conservation Service launched periodic wildlife inventory work throughout the Cameroon segment of the TNS. This activity, which takes place every 04 years, aims to assess changing trends in wildlife potential and threats to the heritage values of the protected area and its surrounding area. This edition of this activity […]

Governor of the Eastern Region reaffirms his commitment to the TNS

The FTNS, the Lobéké National Park Conservation Service and the Ministry of Forests and Fauna (MINFOF) met with the Governor and representatives of various ministries (MINEPAT, MINMIDT, MINAS, MINADER, MINEPIA, MINTOUL, MINAC, customs, security and law enforcement forces, etc.) in the Eastern Region on 21 February 2018. This exceptional meeting was held in the form […]